Moller Document 776-v2

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Susceptibilities of materials measured with the Ferromaster for ferrous materials studies

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Submitted by:
Donald Jones
Updated by:
Donald Jones
Document Created:
23 Jul 2021, 15:09
Contents Revised:
23 Jul 2024, 16:21
Metadata Revised:
23 Jul 2024, 16:21
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Other Versions:
23 Jul 2021, 15:09
We report measurements of magnetic susceptibility for various material samples.
Files in Document:
  • Engineer report (PMAG0000-0001-R0002 combined report mat permeability_I...pdf, 2.1 MB)
  • Slides (Sample Measurements with the Ferromaster (1).pdf, 3.7 MB)
  • slides (Spectr_meeting_Feb20_V.pdf, 5.5 MB)
Notes and Changes:
Added measurements by Vladimir
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