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These documents for docdbmoller are available:

Moller-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
1130-v2 Introduction to Geant4 with remoll. Prakash Gautam Computing
26 May 2023
1094-v3 MOLLER Sieve Design Vassu Doomra Kine
06 May 2023
1060-v3 Collimator 6A/6B redesign Prakash Gautam Beam
05 May 2023
1074-v2 Introduction Krishna Kumar Physics
05 May 2023
1079-v2 Technical Update Kent Paschke Project
05 May 2023
403-v6 Summary of Beam Requirements for MOLLER Caryn Palatchi et al. Beam
22 Mar 2023
924-v3 June 2022 Project Update James Fast Project
22 Jun 2022
780-v2 Detector Region z Locations and new Collar-2 and LAMs Dustin McNulty Detector
12 Aug 2021
753-v2 Shower-max, Main Detector cabling, Quartz Irradiation Tests Dustin McNulty Detector
17 Jun 2021
739-v4 Project Status - June 2021 Collaboration Meeting James Fast Project
17 Jun 2021
446-v2 Spectrometer Overview Juliette Mammei Project
16 Apr 2021
588-v2 Simulation overview Ciprian Gal Detector
30 Mar 2021
652-v5 Target shielding redesign Ciprian Gal Sim
11 Feb 2021

Number of documents found: 13

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