Moller Document 998-v3

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MOLLER Technical Design Report - Final

Document #:
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Submitted by:
Kent Paschke
Updated by:
Kent Paschke
Document Created:
11 Nov 2022, 14:03
Contents Revised:
15 Feb 2024, 13:59
Metadata Revised:
15 Feb 2024, 13:59
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  • Public document
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Other Versions:
01 Sep 2023, 17:05
15 Nov 2022, 16:31
The MOLLER Technical Design Report describes the final design of the MOLLER apparatus.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
- Author list: one author’s institution was updated.
- The desciption of the status of theoretical knowledge of QeW was clarified (page 2, paragraph containing references 6, 7 and 8). This text was confusing in the previous version.
- Section 4.4: additional description of the target chamber exit window was added. This element is important for physics and was underexplained in the previous TDR version.
- Section 7.4.2 and Figure 132: These were updated to follow the results of the most recent simulation, which is updated after correcting the bug in the simulation radiative tail. There are no significant changes in distributions or results. Some language was also clarified in this section during this update.
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