Moller Document 1149-v1

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Downstream Magnet Prototype Report

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Submitted by:
Kent Paschke
Updated by:
Kent Paschke
Document Created:
10 Jul 2023, 14:11
Contents Revised:
10 Jul 2023, 14:11
Metadata Revised:
10 Jul 2023, 14:11
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  • Public document
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MOLLER Spectrometer – Downstream Torus Magnet Prototype Coil Report on Fabrication and Testing
BY: Joseph Lamont
CHK: Sandesh Gopinath
CHK: Eric Sun
APP: David Kashy
APP: Michael Dion
Files in Document:
  • Report (PMAG0000-0100-R0035 MOLLER Test Report of DS Coils app...pdf, 13.6 MB)
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