Moller Document 920-v1

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MOLLER Simulation General Updates

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Submitted by:
Rakitha S Beminiwattha
Updated by:
Rakitha S Beminiwattha
Document Created:
20 Jun 2022, 18:42
Contents Revised:
20 Jun 2022, 18:42
Metadata Revised:
20 Jun 2022, 18:42
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Other Versions:
21 Jun 2022, 15:39
21 Jun 2022, 07:58
MOLLER Simulation General Updates include progress made from December 2021 to June 2022. Simulations studies related to shielding design, radiation dose estimates, main detector background estimation, or ferrous materials are summarized here.
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Associated with Events:
Summer 2022 Collab. Meeting held from 21 Jun 2022 to 22 Jun 2022 in JLab
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