Moller Document 1159-v1

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Uncertainties in the Theoretical Calculation of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry in Møller Scattering

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Submitted by:
Kent Paschke
Updated by:
Kent Paschke
Document Created:
14 Aug 2023, 21:52
Contents Revised:
14 Aug 2023, 21:52
Metadata Revised:
14 Aug 2023, 21:52
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In this report, we discuss the currently available theoretical predictions for the parity-violating asymmetry in Møller scattering and their uncertainties. In light of the experimental uncertainty achievable by the MOLLER experiment at Jefferson Lab, a theoretical uncertainty of order 0.5% or better is required. This theoretical uncertainty will be achieved by implementing two-loop calcula- tions of the electroweak asymmetry, including radiative corrections. We discuss the status of the calculations in two schemes: MS and on-shell, and outline the plans towards achieving the ultimate theoretical uncertainty.
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  • pdf (Theory-report.pdf, 129.7 kB)
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