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These documents on Analysis (subtopic of Computing) are available:
Showing documents with any version with topic Analysis. See documents with Analysis only on the most recent version.
(List events on Analysis)

Moller-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
1131-v1 Remoll Simulation Workshop--Intro to ROOT Eric King Sim
26 May 2023
1114-v1 Analysis Software Planning Paul King et al. Analysis
06 May 2023
925-v1 DAQ Update Paul King DAQ
21 Jun 2022
912-v1 Introduction to Data Analysis using Simulation Data Rakitha S Beminiwattha Sim
05 Jun 2022
911-v1 Simple Simulation Project Rakitha S Beminiwattha Analysis
05 Jun 2022
905-v1 Root Hands-on tutorial Rakitha S Beminiwattha Analysis
05 Jun 2022
903-v2 MOLLER Geant4 Simulation Overview Rakitha S Beminiwattha Analysis
27 May 2022

Number of documents found: 7

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