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These documents from 2022 Summer Collaboration Meeting are available:

Moller-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
953-v1 Summary talk Krishna Kumar et al. Physics
22 Jun 2022
952-v1 Integrating Detector Electronics Update Jie Pan Detector
22 Jun 2022
951-v1 Integrating Detector Overview and Update Michael Gericke Detector
22 Jun 2022
950-v1 Shower-max Design, Detector Logistics, Radiation Tests Dustin McNulty Detector
22 Jun 2022
935-v3 PQB Update Riad Suleiman Beam
22 Jun 2022
944-v2 Moller Polarimetry -- MOLLER Collab June 2022 Eric King Beam
22 Jun 2022
947-v1 HVPMAS Compton E-Det Update Michael Gericke Detector
22 Jun 2022
945-v1 Ring 6 Detector Design Update Krishna Kumar et al. Detector
22 Jun 2022
924-v3 June 2022 Project Update James Fast Project
22 Jun 2022
940-v2 Spectrometer engineering David Kashy Project
22 Jun 2022
939-v2 Spectrometer instrumentation Probir Ghoshal Spectrometer
22 Jun 2022
942-v1 Beam Monitoring Update Mark Pitt Beam
22 Jun 2022
941-v1 Spectrometer Physics Update Juliette Mammei Project
21 Jun 2022
938-v1 Spectrometer project Mike Bevins Spectrometer
21 Jun 2022
937-v1 Pion Detector Update Wouter Deconinck et al. Backgrounds
21 Jun 2022
936-v1 IB Update June 2022 Collaboration Meeting Jim Napolitano Misc.
21 Jun 2022
920-v3 MOLLER Simulation General Updates Rakitha S Beminiwattha SimBackup
21 Jun 2022
931-v1 Upstream Beamline and Ring 7 Shielding Update Chandan Ghosh et al. Misc.
21 Jun 2022
925-v1 DAQ Update Paul King Analysis
21 Jun 2022
927-v1 Ferrous materials update Kent Paschke Physics
21 Jun 2022
926-v1 Technical Update Kent Paschke Physics
21 Jun 2022
923-v1 MOLLER-NSF Project Update Mark Pitt Project
21 Jun 2022
917-v1 Trigger Scintillator Progress Rakitha S Beminiwattha Detector
20 Jun 2022

Number of documents found: 23

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