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Wouter Deconinck of William and Mary is listed as an author on the most recent version of the following documents:
See documents with Wouter Deconinck on any version.

Moller-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
937-v1 Pion Detector Update Wouter Deconinck et al. Backgrounds
21 Jun 2022
836-v1 Pion detector simulations Wouter Deconinck Backgrounds
17 Dec 2021
779-v1 Magnetic Field Maps Wouter Deconinck Spectrometer
27 Jul 2021
731-v1 Monte Carlo Simulations in Subatomic Physics Wouter Deconinck Physics
28 May 2021
618-v1 Intro to Git Wouter Deconinck Computing
12 Jan 2021

Number of documents found: 5

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