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Michael Gericke of University of Manitoba is listed as an author on some version of the following documents:
See documents with Michael Gericke as an author only on the most recent version.

Moller-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
998-v3 MOLLER Technical Design Report - Final David Armstrong et al. Project
15 Feb 2024
1133-v1 Main detector LV cabling and power supply needs Update Michael Gericke Detector
01 Jun 2023
1105-v2 Main Detector Overview and Status Michael Gericke Detector
06 May 2023
1106-v1 HVMAPS Overview/Plans Michael Gericke Backgrounds
06 May 2023
951-v1 Integrating Detector Overview and Update Michael Gericke Detector
22 Jun 2022
947-v1 HVPMAS Compton E-Det Update Michael Gericke Detector
22 Jun 2022
561-v1 Stability and Excess Noise in the Integrating Detector Signal Michael Gericke Elec
14 Feb 2020

Number of documents found: 7

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